Monday, March 23, 2015

DIY Jeans apron - Upcycle

Jeans apron

I saw jeans/denim apron on Pinterest and have been thinking about making one for myself to use in the kitchen and one for my daughter for using went she does craft (or painting, gluing stuffs) because she denies to use  her Hello Kitty apron in craft time. And since one jeans can make 2 aprons anyway.. Why not??
 So last weekend I dig out one my old (maternity jeans) and started to chopped them out.

I used;

  • Old Jeans
  • Bias tape - I made my own bias tapes from the left over fabric I made pillow cases.

Let Do This!

  • Cut the jeans - just about under the back pocket

Cut underneath back pocket 

  • Open tube (leg) and fold flat,  line-up  two seams in the middle and then cut the tube open. I cut between two seams.

Cut tube open

  • Fold right side together, cut curve for top part of apron - I measured myself, chest to waist and then cut bout 10" from the top.

cut curve for apron-top and waist

  • Make bias tape. 

  • Sew bias on top and bottom (I cut  the bottom seam off to thin out layer of fabric.) and then on the sides. My fabric was 44" long - I use the whole length on each sides (left and right)

  • Added another bias for waist band, this one I used 2- 44" bias. I like it long so I can wrap around and tie in front.

add waist band


  • Pocket  & flower 

decorate with flower

Friday, March 20, 2015

MLP Applejack Pillow Pet

My little wee has couple of pillow pets /glow pets;

  • Butterfly Pillow Pets Dream Lites. 

It is s a first pillow pet she got, to use as her night light. It shine out moons and stars, the light color can be changed -kept her up all night playing with it -_-'

image from Amazon

  • Seal Glow pet. 

We bought this one so she can take it with her on the trip to visiting grandma in Thailand, and she picked the seal.  It's soft and cuddly, she loved seal glow pet so much  she didn't want to left it in Thailand. After little over a year, the seal stops glow (it've been to toy doctor ..aka mommy and be fixed once. This is how I saw what inside the pillow) 
image from Amazon

  • Thomas

we've got her while it was on sale and she needed a toy for Pajamas day at her daycare.
Thomas doesn't glow, just being cute and cuddly.
image from Amazon

  • Ladybug - Pillow Pets Dream Lites Mini

Again it was on sale and she saw the pillow in store and begged for. She was willing to give out coins from her piggy bank and get the ladybug.
image from Amazon

And now we are going to Thailand again and I'd like her to have a cuddly and glow pet to comfort her and use as a night light at grandma house. Since, I was having fun making my little pony plush toy and tooth fairy pillow I decided to make my own version of Applejack Glow Pillow Pet

  • Materials; 

Some orange, yellow and brown cuddly fabric. (and little red and green fabric for decoration)
Batteries operated small LED lights.

Main materials

  • I made Applejack's head used the same Apple jack head pattern from this plush toy,  made it bigger and printed it out. Main, tail, hat and pillow were  just measured,cut and sew as it went - no pattern.

  • Eyes - printed on  Inkjet Print On Fabric and then adhesive on felt.

  • Cutie Marks - felt and tacky glue.

It turned out pretty good!!  Even though there is no timer nor fancy on-off switch (I just used original on-off switch  on the battery case.)

But Somebody just loves it!

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Mother Daughter Play day #pony Dresses

My little wee saw me while I was sewing stuffs (my little pony tooth fairy pillows)  She requested  dressed for her ponies. So ponies can go to Grand Galloping Gala (or festival ?? ..something like that)

Just a little bit of felt and ribbon, made little girl happy :)

We made dresses from Play-Doh  before. It wasn't held up very well but she kept it until the Play-Doh dried out and fell apart.

These felt dresses should last much longer (or until they are lost in pile of other toys)

Monday, March 2, 2015

My Little Pony Tooth Fairy Pillows

The Loose Teeth
There once was a girl with loose teeth.
When one fell out, it was quite a relief.
She put it under her head
when she went to bed
and the next morning there was money beneath.
No - we have no loosen teeth situation (yet) but I was just talking about this topic with a friend, her boy's tooth was missing from under pillow in the morning. So I was thinking about having tooth fairy pillow when the time is come.
I like to get the pillow in pony theme, since my DD loves my little pony so much. I couldn't found anything I like out there, so I made my own version of MLP tooth fairy pillows.
And I just fall in love with making these cute little pillows, which are now hung next to my sewing machine. I have to get some of them out. 
I put them on Etsy,  check out my listing if you have or know My little pony fan(s) and don't want to make it yourself.
Six friends  - MLP tooth fairy pillows

MY Little Pony Plushie

My little 4 going to 5 year old is MLP's BIG FAN. She has to watch MLP shows everyday. This is why I began making MLP craft.

I made her Applejack and Fluttershy plush; Applejack's pattern from silentwolfcreations in Deviantart , Fluttershy's pattern from voodoo-tiki.deviantart 

Which both