Monday, March 2, 2015

My Little Pony Tooth Fairy Pillows

The Loose Teeth
There once was a girl with loose teeth.
When one fell out, it was quite a relief.
She put it under her head
when she went to bed
and the next morning there was money beneath.
No - we have no loosen teeth situation (yet) but I was just talking about this topic with a friend, her boy's tooth was missing from under pillow in the morning. So I was thinking about having tooth fairy pillow when the time is come.
I like to get the pillow in pony theme, since my DD loves my little pony so much. I couldn't found anything I like out there, so I made my own version of MLP tooth fairy pillows.
And I just fall in love with making these cute little pillows, which are now hung next to my sewing machine. I have to get some of them out. 
I put them on Etsy,  check out my listing if you have or know My little pony fan(s) and don't want to make it yourself.
Six friends  - MLP tooth fairy pillows

Cutie mark pocket for tooth and money

Curry hair - Pinkie Pie

Also came in heart shape

Sweet Fluttershy with wings

Princess Twilight Sparkle

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